Extra Credit
Geoguessr (only once)
Extra Credit Opportunity Geoguessr –https://geoguessr.com/ (points vary)
Try your hand at landscape interpretation with this innovative web game. Create an untimed challenge and locate where you are using google street view. To do it, create a challenge, get the best score you can, and then send the GET THE SHARE URL link with your score to your by using the “Click to get share url” and then pasting that link into an email. The points are as follows and you can only earn extra credit this way once so make sure to try for your best score.
-A Score of 10,000-14,000 earns 5 points extra credit
-A Score of 15,000-20,000 earns 8 points extra credit
-A Score of 20,000-25,000 earns 15 points extra credit
-A score of 25,000-30,000 earns 20 points extra credit
-A Score of 30,000 or more earns 30 points extra credit
Try your hand at landscape interpretation with this innovative web game. Create an untimed challenge and locate where you are using google street view. To do it, create a challenge, get the best score you can, and then send the GET THE SHARE URL link with your score to your by using the “Click to get share url” and then pasting that link into an email. The points are as follows and you can only earn extra credit this way once so make sure to try for your best score.
-A Score of 10,000-14,000 earns 5 points extra credit
-A Score of 15,000-20,000 earns 8 points extra credit
-A Score of 20,000-25,000 earns 15 points extra credit
-A score of 25,000-30,000 earns 20 points extra credit
-A Score of 30,000 or more earns 30 points extra credit
You may do timed maps for extra credit. If you go to the map leaderboards page you will find leader boards. If you get 100% and your time gets you into the top 10 you get extra credit for each person you pass (in the top 10). Just screenshot or take a picture with your phone, then show me. https://www.seterra.com/
Book Report
For Extra credit you may read certain books, must be approved by me, and do a book report for extra credit. Book reports should be one- two pages typed double spaced. A few books you can read are listed below.
You may do other books but they must be approved by me first. This includes history book, or books about specific cultures. Must be true stories, not fiction. Up to 25 extra credit points.
You may do other books but they must be approved by me first. This includes history book, or books about specific cultures. Must be true stories, not fiction. Up to 25 extra credit points.
Movie Report
You may watch certain movies and do a report on the movies in order to earn up to 15pts extra credit. This reports must be 2-3 pages long double spaced, 12 point font. You need to watch the movie, then write a synopsis of what the movie is about and what happened. Then write about certain aspects of that areas culture you saw in the movie and how the events in the movie affected them. Movies must be true stories, that are specific to areas of the world other than the USA. If the movie covers historical events, the events cant have occurred prior to the 1700s. A list of Movies you can watch is below. (Warning some of these movies are rated R and parental consent is necessary.)
While you may watch other movies for extra credit you must get them approved by me. For movies the likelihood I approve a movie I haven't heard of is unlikely, and the list above is your best bet.
While you may watch other movies for extra credit you must get them approved by me. For movies the likelihood I approve a movie I haven't heard of is unlikely, and the list above is your best bet.
TV show report
You may watch certain TV shows and do a report on them in order to earn up to 30pts extra credit. This reports must be 3 pages long double spaced, 12 point font. You need to watch an entire season of the show, then write a synopsis of what the season is about and what happened. Then write about certain aspects of that areas culture you saw in the movie and how the events in the movie affected them. Shows must be true stories, that are specific to areas of the world other than the USA. If the movie covers historical events, the events cant have occurred after the 1960s. A list of Shows you can watch is below. (Warning some of these shows are rated R and parental consent is necessary.)
While you may watch other movies for extra credit you must get them approved by me. For shows the likelihood I approve a show I haven't heard of is unlikely, and the list above is your best bet.
While you may watch other movies for extra credit you must get them approved by me. For shows the likelihood I approve a show I haven't heard of is unlikely, and the list above is your best bet.